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Добавлено: 11/06/2016 12:49

I agree girly.. Skinny isn’t sexy, fit and healthy is! I’m proud to say I went from 148 in January 2012 to a now 130! I have 5 more lbs to get to my goal weight. But I’ve been doing it healthy and I don’t mind if I stay 130 but only if its because of muscle lol. But I’m looking forward to your progress! I’ll be cheering you on maaeM!mrlane recently posted..

Добавлено: 11/06/2016 12:45

Knish"The underlying problem remains, which means the debate and the positions involved can't be suppressed. The left is doing a victory lap now, but it won't lates"Eith.r Islam will dominate, or those who will resist it.This means that the current elites will lose their power, one way or another.

Добавлено: 11/06/2016 12:39

Brcnilalie for free; your parents must be a sweetheart and a certified genius.

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