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Добавлено: 11/06/2016 17:47

So is the bear the battle between your alter ego or bizarro younes in the pre-dawn hours prior to coffee and dousnhutg? You had me until the MMA. Only I know MMA.

Добавлено: 11/06/2016 17:46

19aDavid, I suppose we just have to agree that we disagree on this one.I will say this, though. You keep referring to John Piper as the &#&2;02darlin8#8217; of the Reformed crowd.” Well surely Reformed folks appreciate Piper and his ministry. But I have seen more than a few times other Reformed folks disagree with Piper on things. Have a great day.

Добавлено: 11/06/2016 17:31

Aca estan vendiendo un novedoso depadrtseor con ruedas que corre cada que suena. Al chocar con un objeto, da vuelta y corre de nuevo. Seria un bonito regalo para alguien que ha aceptado con alegria su sonido, para recordar viejos ayeres =)Un pedazo de cielo me hace el dia a mi. No necesito mas.

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